Saturday, February 9, 2013

Runes of Dianceht

Hegemoon/Runes of Dianceht Split
Eastside, 2003
Genre: Black Metal

1. Intro
2. Majestat Pogańskiej Nocy
3. Miniony Praojców Czas
4. Pragnąć Mroków Przeszłości
5. Wędrówka Do Księcia Cieni
6. Opętaj Mnie
7. Jestem Twoją Ścieżką
8. Rytuał Dopełnienia
Runes of Dianceht:
9. Я говорю
10. Лишённые рассудка
11. Остановись и оглянись
12. Я вырвался из божеского плена
13. Ты человек
14. Будь предан

Side Hegemoon: here
Side Runes of Dianceht:

Runes of Dianceht is a band from the Ukraine, which I never heard of prior to getting this split. Despite starting in 1996, this appears to be their first material pressed onto CD. The material on here is actually the same material released on their third demo "Не быть сему законом!" originally released in 1999.

Usually, I try to track down a bands full discography and give a good assessment of their career, but since this is their last recording and I wasn't really into it, I'll just review this. I assume this band has finished doing any work together since it's been well over ten years since this demo was originally released.

I don't know what I should say about this part of the split. Runes of Dianceht just didn't grab my attention. The music is well performed, but the writing is sort of lackluster. Even for the time of 1999 this material would still be fairly standard, so in that regard I'm not surprised this band stayed in the world of demos, even though they are one of the earlier Ukrainian bands. The only song that really stood out for me was "Остановись и оглянись", which opens with a truly wonderful guitar line. But other than that the songs just didn't catch me, despite the fact they are well performed by competent musicians. Another aspect I didn't like as much were certain parts of the vocals. The vocals are not anything special to begin with, but when the vocalist tries to hit higher ranges it just didn't work. In the end I found it more annoying than anything else.

In the end Runes of Dianceht is not a band I'm going to be hoping comes back. They're not terrible, but they're not doing anything that grabs any kind of attention. I'm not very inclined to search out their earlier demos and I'm not sure I would recommend people rush out and hear this band.

Here's the best track on the album, in my opinion anyway...

1 comment:

  1. These guys have more recently made better music such as Ygg and Ulvegr. Maybe check those out. You probably wont be disappointed.
